
Day 4 -- Communication

Group 1 Adeline Wong 3A (30)
Today was our fourth day in Canada. We participated in a lot of fun events today. We went for an amazing race in the school campus. It was tiring as the school campus is very big, but it was worth it as we made it to our final destination.
The most memorable part of the day is the session in which we figured out our own true colours through a survey and we learnt more about ourselves.  This encourages efficient communication, as we know about the needs and values of different people and how to cater for their needs.
There was also a board games’ night for the counselors and us. We had a relaxing time with the counselors and a lot of fun. It was an eventful day!

Group 2 Cherian Leung 3L (22)
It has been an incredibly enlightening day with workshops and activities on the topic of communication. The amazing race in the morning was a great opportunity for our home groups to get together and achieve a common goal through deciphering the clues at the checkpoints. The Lego Challenge was definitely a fascinating activity. We got to practice our communication skills through applying the techniques learnt.
The part I liked most about today was the workshop “True Colours”. A guest speaker was invited to give us a lesson on different personality traits and I think it really helped us embrace the diversity of people so that we can use suitable communication skills when talking to others. All in all, we enjoyed all the activities and it has been a fruitful day.

Group 3 Cynthia Chan 3T (2)
With splendid sunlight sprinkling on our faces, making our smiles glow, we started our first event - the Amazing Race. We travelled around the campus of Western University, finding the clues and completing the tasks. Our hearts were filled with joy and excitement. It was not an easy task as we needed to tolerate the blistering hot weather and stay united to complete all the tasks. We were glad that we succeeded and finally overcame all the difficulties.
For me, I enjoyed the campus walk. The environment in Canada is always natural and green with plants, which is so different from the densely-populated Hong Kong. Surrounded by the nature, I really felt more relaxed, as if I were a university student wandering in bliss in the campus. The Amazing Race is amazing grace.

Group 4 Chloe Sit 3U (28)
Today was the fourth day of our trip, and we set off for the Amazing Race in the morning, where we went to specific locations in the university campus, following given clues and performing compelling tasks. The hard part was recalling the places we were introduced to from our tour of the campus and matching them to the tricky clues. 
Our theme today was connecting with others through communication, using verbal, non-verbal, or writing methods to clearly express our ideas to other people. To be a good leader, we must learn both how to communicate thoughts with clarity, as well as how to be a good listener, and listen intently to what other people tell us. We were able to apply this theme through our favourite activity of the day: the Lego Challenge.
We developed and improved our communication skills through describing colours, shapes, and directions of the lego pieces to our teammates. Today’s activities were undoubtedly very inspirational and educational, and we all learned how to connect with our peers better, and how important communication is between people.

Group 5 Jennifer Tsim 3P (30)
This was our fourth day in Canada. It was an enjoyable and impressive day.
We began the day with an exciting game called Amazing Race. We followed the clues to find different buildings in the Western University campus and eventually arrived at the last stop, the university bookstore. The game certainly helped us  to get more familiar with the campus.
The theme of today’s program was communication. We were grateful to have Professor Eric Stoat to give us a talk on personality preferences. We did a True Colour personality test and found out our personality traits. This helped us to get to know ourselves better.  Self-knowledge is definitely crucial in building up our capacity to become better leaders. We would have better communication with others and be able to cooperate with others more effectively and harmoniously. The talk was absolutely inspiring and helped us to further develop our leadership potentials.

Group 6 Karen Lui 3P (19)
We started off our day with a game called Amazing Race. We familiarised ourselves with the campus by scouting for clues in Western University campus. After the race, we learned the significance of teamwork and resilience.
In the afternoon, we attended a workshop called “True Colours”, which was about personality preferences. We started the lesson by doing a test on our personality types. I found out that my colour is blue which indicates that I am compassionate and loving.
To learn more about communication, we played the “Lego Challenge”. Each group had a builder, director, runner and two observers, they each had an important role in the challenge. I learned that good communication in a group is essential, and a great leader should be able to communicate and inspire the teammates through different means like body language, writings and expression.

Group 7 Janice Tang 3A (26)
It has been an exhausting yet fruitful day. On Thursday, we started our day with Amazing Race, which is an activity similar to treasure hunt. Though we had some hard time running around the campus and solving all the puzzles specially decided by the LEAD group, this game certainly trained my patience and persistence. What's more, the True Colors workshop was another big hit of the program  Through knowing our colours, we were able to identify our stressors and core values. For the topic of communication, the Lego challenge was surely a fantastic activity. I learnt how important it is to be both a good listener and a director. Effective communication is a fundamental element for becoming good leaders. To wrap up our day, we had a gleeful night playing board games with all the counselors and classmates.

Group 8 Sharon Li 3A (20)
It was the fourth day of our study tour. After finishing our breakfast, we participated in a race during which we had to find the hints in various buildings in the main campus. Then we attended a lesson about communication and a talk on personality traits given by a special guest speaker. Through a personality test, we found out our own true colours which describe our personalities. The test certainly helped me to know myself more. I think it was an absolutely memorable experience.
The most exciting part of the day was the lego challenge as we learnt to communicate well through actions. Participants took up different roles like the director, builders and observers. The director learned to deliver the message clearly while the builder practise her listening skills in order to achieve the goal. Overall, we learnt a lot of useful communication skills from today's activities.



Coming soon...

Day 5 -- Understanding Differences

Group 1 Samantha Wong 3S (30) Canada is a beautiful country with rich traditions and cultural heritage. Today, we went to the Fanshawe Pioneer Village. We experienced different activities such as feeding roosters, trying out the traditional way of printing, and processing wool into yarn. It was meaningful because we would not be able to have these experiences in Hong Kong. We were also very lucky and blessed with the fine weather during our visit We got on the bus just right before it started pouring heavily. There was a power suspension in the university as cables were damaged by fallen trees in the thunderstorm. We had to take cold showers. But this experience was unique! We understood that hot water supply is very precious and we should try our very best to conserve environment in order to ensure enough water supply for everyone on earth. Group 2 Janice Wong 3L (31) On the fifth day in Canada, we started off our day with a swimming session. We played games and had lots o

Day 6 -- Girls CAN & Water Day

Group 1 Eva Cheung 3S (5) Today was such a hectic but fun day. One of the best parts was meeting some successful women in different types of professions, such as engineering and sports. Getting a chance to communicate and to learn from them was really a valuable experience which I would never forget. Then, we went to the Sunfest in the downtown area which was quite crowded. There were lots of food and market stalls selling a large variety of food and products. I learned more about the Canadian culture and got the chance to interact with more local people. They are always nice and helpful. Group 2 Gigi Cheng 3S (2 ) The Sunfest was absolutely memorable to me, as we were able to experience the cultural diversity in Canada through tasting various kinds of scrumptious Canadian snacks and other delicacies from different parts of the world. But what really inspired me today was the Girls CAN rotation stations activity. Listening to the personal experiences of different female leade